pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Seal Products

Automotive oil seals series products:
Including the engine crankshaft valve stainless steel wire ties, gearbox oil seals, shock absorber oil seals, air conditioning compressor seals, power steering oil seal, axle seals, brake system seals, cooling water pump seals, gearbox oil seal;
Motorcycle oil seal products:
Various engine rotary seals, shock absorber oil seal;
Standard low pressure rotary oil seals:
These products are divided into two major categories of metric and imperial. Metric sizes of products in full compliance with national and international standards.
Mineral oil applied to the seal and other media such as water, air, chemical fluids with low viscosity;
High-pressure rotary oil seals:
200 bar maximum working pressure, the working pressure is greater than 5 atm, the oil seal <pv> values ​​have reached 500 bar · m / s, more than 20 times the highest in the world.
Special fluid pressure rotary seal cables:
Mainly applicable to a variety of non-fossil oil medium such as water, compressed air, low viscosity fluids such as chemicals;
Pressure reciprocating oil seals:
Single stage Maximum working pressure up to 500 bar, maximum line speed of up to 3 m / s, the maximum value of up to 1500 reciprocating <pv> bar · m / s, but also according to the customer's needs to develop "personalized products."

