pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Engineering mechanical seal selection method

mechanical security seals according to the working conditions and the different nature of the media, with high temperature, low temperature mechanical seals, high pressure, corrosion-resistant mechanical seals, mechanical seals and resistance to particulate media to adapt easily vaporized light hydrocarbon medium, mechanical seals, etc., should be based on different usefulness select a different structural types and materials of the mechanical seal.
Selection of the main parameters are: seal chamber pressure (MPa), fluid temperature (℃), working speed (m / s), the sealing properties of the fluid and the effective installation space.
Selection of the basic principles are:
1 according to the seal chamber pressure to determine the sealing structure using balanced or unbalanced, single face or double, etc.;
(2) according to the working speed, determine the use of rotary or static, hydrodynamic or non-contact type;
3 according to the temperature and fluid properties, determine the friction and auxiliary sealing materials, as well as the right choice lubrication, washing, heat, cooling, mechanical Security seals loop protection system;
4 According to the sealed space efficient installation, determine the use of multi-or single spring or springs wave springs, built-in or externally mounted.

