pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Let distinctive seat sealing performance

Tight sealing of the valve is extremely important in terms of users, the current from the valve member and the valve actuator on both structural improvements to tightly closed. Both can be cut using a throttle valve can be used to save the investment. Supply pressure of 15 to 35 lb / inch thin film type actuator 2, for manual or automatic operation of the shut-off valve structure, do not develop high sealing force seat species. If you want this species, they will be very bulky, and in throttling the speed of movement of the valve stem will be very slow. Want to have a small amount of leakage, because the valve seat sealing force can be smaller.
Seat seal - plug and seat alignment and exposure, including the joints of the structure and the load force.
Seal - metal finishing parameters, joint widths and metal plastic deformation tight seal.
Leakage - from different structural joints sealing parameters and the amount of leakage can be expected.
Tightly sealing plastic deformation of a material to a surface of the "waviness" and the other surface roughness, used to block a straight leakage path; so that both these paths become long and tortuous. The sealing force is far below the compressive stress, the compressive stress will cause the entire joint surface plastic deformation; Therefore, the contact portion is apparent. In fact, only the highest point of each surface of the contact, the concentration of forces may exceed the yield point of the valve closure member is plastically deformed above the point. Further Security ties off the valve seat to a higher load to achieve the same degree of tight, has been crushed to the particles, stabilized state.
1 Stellite 6 positive self-sealing welding hardened valve seat
2 seat seal welding underwater gas testing
3 seal welded seat face again after extension
4 with measuring instruments and gasket seat angle end, to determine the ideal wedge angle
5 on the seat surface grinding to match the corresponding wedge angle
6 wedge seating surface of the lap
7. Assigned ideal match wedge, hooking the right place and on the body
8 After assembly, the valve housing, valve seats, rear seat fillers and zero leakage pressure test conducted
Large-volume, high-pressure discharge system, taking into account the pressure drop needs to be properly test the strength of the elastic material sealing and fixing methods. At high loads, often resulting in a fluid elastomer is equivalent to and may be extruded, unless the load is locked or limit the use of metal to metal. Some designs allow soft cargo seals as the first seal, then closed with a metal on metal parts as a second sealed to prevent soft seal rupture.

