pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Fixed ball work performance and characteristics

Fixed ball valve, ball valve is a new generation high performance, suitable for long-distance pipelines and general industrial pipelines, its strength, safety, resistance to harsh environments, etc. in the design for a special considerations applicable to a variety of corrosive and non-corrosive media. It is compared with the floating ball, the work, the ball valve before the fluid pressure force generated on the entire transmitted to the bearing, the ball does not move to the seat, the seat and thus not exposed to excessive pressure, so the stationary valve The torque is small, seat deformation, stable stainless steel cable ties performance, long life, suitable for high pressure, large diameter applications. Advanced spring pre-seat assembly, with self-tightening properties, to achieve the upstream seal. Each valve has two seats in each direction can be sealed, so the installation does not restrict the flow is bi-directional. This valve is usually installed horizontally.

Fixed Ball Valve Features

An effortless operation: the upper and lower ball bearings, reducing friction, eliminating the inlet pressure pushing the ball and seal sealing seat and a huge load caused by excessive torque.

2, the sealing performance and reliable: PTFE single material embedded in a stainless steel valve seat seals, metal seat ring end features to ensure adequate spring preload, the valve sealing surface in the course of wear, under the action of the spring Valve continues to ensure good sealing performance.

3, structural fire protection: To prevent the sudden emergence of heat or fire, so that PTFE seals burned, there is a greater leakage, and contribute to the fire, the fire set between ball and seat Security ties sealing ring, when burned in the ring, In the spring force, the valve seat sealing ring on the ball quickly to form a metal to metal seal, play a certain degree of sealing effect. Fire test compliance APl6FA and APl607 standards.

4, automatic pressure relief function: When the valve chamber stagnant medium pressure abnormally elevated over spring preload, the seat back from the ball, to the effect of automatic pressure relief, pressure relief valve automatically reset after.

5, the discharge line: both above and below the body excrete larvae L, you can check valve for leaks, at work, the valve is fully open or fully closed, relieved pressure in the chamber, can directly replace the packing; possible emissions retentate chamber to reduce pollution to the valve medium. Fixed ball is widely used in food, medicine, petroleum, chemical, natural gas, steel, environmental protection, paper and other media delivery line cut or circulation. This device can also be injected to the appropriate cleaning agents or lubricants on the sealing surface cleaning.

