pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Industrial manufacturing decision seal industry development potential

Industry, who tend to believe that seal is a small thing, but it is a sealed continuous operation is very important for industrial technology products. Reform and opening up, because of lack of attention, barrier seals industry has long been considered a small but complex areas, development is slow, a lot of small businesses can not form a production and quality management. With domestic manufacturing level, this situation has begun to change rapidly.
With the rapid development of China's machinery industry, especially the automotive industry and the development of the electronic communications sector, China seal industry already has an irreplaceable practical significance and far-reaching development of the industry connotation.
In the new international environment, global seal products manufacturing base will continue to transfer to China. China seal industry will usher in a period of development by leaps and bounds, and will also Chinese new industrialization development and make greater contributions.
According to "China's economic operation of hydraulic and pneumatic sealing security seal industry analysis," the statistics, hydraulic, pneumatic and sealing 290 major business statistics, the industry overall efficiency index reached 170.81, 214.97 which seal industry, machinery industry is far higher than the national average. 2007 fourth quarter gross domestic sealing industry achieved sales revenue 3.604 billion yuan, an increase of 25.27% over last year
China Development Industrial Manufacturing How much potential, there is much sealed the development of enterprises.

