pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


How to solve the hollow door sealing problems during installation

Hollow door easy installation problems encountered what?
A hollow doors installed in the field, the assembly size control is not good, resulting in a mutual position of mutual dislocation lap security seal or lap size is insufficient, or because of the pressure foot and there is a gap for a fixed hollow without closing the door frame fastening screws rubber sealing, the sealant sealing the sealing parts of uncleaned surfaces.
2, hollow doors with poor sealing material, such as plastic strips excellent anti-aging time is short, use sealant outdated or counterfeit fake plastic, anti-displacement capability, easy to crack and so on.
3, the hollow door manufacture precision reach the quality requirements, with the gap is too large, after assembling parts to be bonded tamper seal sealing material is not painted directly assembled.
Solution is as follows:
1, the filling material is not covered with the gap between the frame and the wall, forming a Valley phenomena or cracks.
2, fixed windows and doors adjustment pad remains in the door frame, or removal of a second after no further filling.
3, the door after the installation is not outside the door and wall joints are sealed, or seal failure.

