pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Heat pump mechanical seal Precautions

Heat pump according to the conditions of use of the different installation of different forms of mechanical seals , such as the built-in single-ended flat horizontal and non- balanced ,high security cable seals double-end balanced and unbalanced type , externally mounted mechanical seals , etc. Therefore , according to the choice of seals in different forms, its using methods and precautions are also different, generally have the following specific conditions :
1, the general mechanical seal suitable for cleaning medium without suspended particles , on the newly installed piping system should be carefully cleaned reservoir together to prevent solid impurities into the mechanical seal faces .
2, in the crystallization medium using mechanical seals , attention should be cleaned regularly , before the restart after stopping to get crystal mechanical seal clean .
3 , the mechanical seal should be carefully disassemble , prohibited by hand cone, iron and other percussion . Demolition should be clear dirt.
4 , strict inspection ring and the stationary ring for face grinding , does not allow any minor scratches, Pengpo other defects.
5 , the right to adjust the amount of compression springs , making it an appropriate degree of tightness to avoid excessive wear or leakage.
6, there is an external mechanical seal flush , start should be preceded by open cavity filled with fluid sealing liquid is sealed ,adjustable length plastic seals stopping when the first stop the pump, close the seal flush fluid.

