pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Effective measures to exclude mechanical seal failure

There are many ways to troubleshooting , here are a few conventional methods , for reference.
1 , must be monitored when the pump is running mechanical seal flush water return temperature , normal operation at 40 ℃ ~ 50 ℃ is the best, when the alarm when the temperature exceeds 85 ℃ , when the temperature exceeds 90 ℃ trip .
2, to improve water quality. User pump, water pump and mechanical seal according to certain requirements implemented. Necessary, increase the coarse strainer for coarse filter , improving water quality to avoid failure .
3, for sealing the circulatory system to regularly washable , clean dirt and impurities, especially magnetic filters must be cleaned regularly switch to prevent dirt clogging the filter , resulting in seal cavity without water , resulting in ring crumble , resulting in failure .
4 , the pump operation manual before operating according to a certain operation , good exhaust , give seal cooling water before starting to pump . Conversely operation to seal the first start after the cooling water is likely to cause sealing ring movement burst.
5, the user of the minor repairs , replacement of the mechanical security seals  should pay attention to clean all sealing parts, check friction surface , not a scratch , rubber O-ring is defective , really no problem before installing high-pressure boiler feed pump is in use use of a certain technical requirements , if not by the manufacturer 's technical requirements, the use of will malfunction.
1 , as in the pump is installed , you can not correctly installed according to the installation instructions , resulting in pump vibration, so that the pump mechanical seal face fit is not good enough , or the failure to open end , the seal leakage.
2 , the pump is running , or due to other reasons not fully exhaust the sealed chamber contains gas , operation pressure in the sealed chamber under the action of friction moment cause seal leakage prop open failure.
3 , the circulatory system is not clean or filter cleaning dirty , poor water quality , a foreign body, mud , etc., so that the friction surface wear can also result in serious trouble . Such as Anhui Huainan power plants, because the water is bad, bad cooling cycle , the heat transfer performance.
4 , in addition to the pump run time due to sudden pressure fluctuations , resulting in pulse pressure or frequent starts can make transmission parts , parts of the weak links in the anti-rotation cause damage , resulting in mechanical seal failure . So users using high pressure boiler feed pump when the first power plant process to resolve the correctness of the process is running to minimize pressure fluctuations , reducing the number of frequent start . In addition, the mechanical trailer seals to be considered in the design of wear -loop transfer torque to the driven shaft and the stationary ring from the stator is transmitted to the pump and starting force transmitted to the ring from the shaft drive on the strength calculation and choose to avoid generate more problems.

