pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


How to choose the cable sealing modules

1 The right choice of supplier
Choice of supplier , you should choose a professional cable glands module suppliers , preferably in a cable gland for the main business activities of the manufacturers . Manufacturers should have some experience in industrial applications , understanding of the product market applications. The current market was mixed good and bad cable glands , especially the large number of dealers on the network information posted to our choice of suppliers to bring a certain degree of difficulty.
The author believes that an excellent cable sealing module manufacturers should have the following points , A. Cable sealing modules are its main business ; B. Qualification sound and stability office space, not just a few information posted online , casual leave a contact ; C. independent company website and product physical map , a lot of other company 's products stolen map ( or PS pictures ) , virtually no product and service capabilities ; D. able to provide customers a complete professional CAD drawings and quotes , rather than simply a casual quotations ; E. and customer should have good communication skills , customer product selection and design rationalization proposals , of course, this requires some practical experience .
2 The right choice of products
Correct choice of products, should pay attention to the following aspects:
2.1 Module options: module is divided into 30 mm long and 60 mm in length both in different lengths and maybe also the entire thickness of the sealing device . Thus, the general run cable through the cabin deck , cables through walls and other heavy objects selected 60 mm long modules. The cable through the cabinet or other thin object, generally choose 30 mm long modules , while the entire sealing device is thin and light .
2.2 sealing frame choice: sealing frame is determined by the strap seals modules with different specifications and number of modules determines the appropriate sealing frame . Across the deck and the cabin walls and other objects should be selected 60 mm thick frame , materials generally have two kinds of low carbon steel and stainless steel . Recommended depending on the application environment choose a different frame materials. Recommended to choose the stainless steel frame , because the general cable sealing modules are outdoor or indoor environments outside connections, generally dark and damp or in sunlight exposure . Once the sealing frame with rust corrosion is occurring, will directly affect the performance and life of the sealing module , and seriously affect the whole sealing means sealing protective effect.
2.3 clamping block and the spacer plate material selection : General cable sealsupplier in the clamping block and compartment plate material on both stainless steel and mild steel in both materials can be selected . I do not recommend choosing low- carbon steel clamping blocks and spacer plates, because both kinds of material cost difference is not great , but life is very different , do not lose the greater.
2.4 The use of grease : It is recommended strict accordance with product installation instructions to use grease , many times in order to improve the efficiency of workers in trouble , do not use or less use grease, actually greatly affected the overall sealing means sealing effect .
2.5 About Installation tools: general project is not recommended. Engineering projects larger than recommended a compactor on it, only in the maintenance and reconstruction of puller only be used to time . Many manufacturers generally put a full installation tool as essential goods sold to customers , the actual increase customer acquisition costs .
About aside : Under normal circumstances proposed to set aside 30-40 % , of course, if the project is implemented in phases necessary special consideration. Also do not recommend the use of solid module as set aside , because this part of the procurement cost savings temporarily , but the actual change is the need for secondary procurement, not only a waste , and increased costs.

