pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Experts tell you do choose plastic window seal

Leakage leaking sealant seals at play
"I lived on the 9th floor , the house has lived for six years, recent heavy rains , many places are leaking windows , and ventilation is very serious, how is this going ? " Ms. Hou , who lives in intimate garden advice .
Experts say : It is Door Changchun Da Wang Jinhong manager introduced into July , Changchun temperature surge, but sooner or later the temperature difference is quite large , mutant temperature makes general quality steel windows stretching more obvious , especially in the window sealant, rail car seals after a heavy rain, exposure and other reasons , making the glass and sash seal tightly enough to appear leakage leaking situation. Consumers can check their own windows, first check whether there is sediment drain , clean-up if it is missing , we should replace the seals and a large area of ​​sealant . Second seal and sealant replacement to note that these small pieces of quality vary widely , a good seal can be used on 2078 , or even ten years are no problems, and poor quality may 2023 will be aging . Window sealant , too, generally imported glue to better seal the wall and window frames , no leakage , winter warmth, no air leakage . Poor quality sealant will shrink after Enthusiasm , or even fall off .
Fog cover insulating glass windows are leaking due to
"My family is opposite a large ecological park , but recently the bedroom window somehow a large area of ​​fog , mist between two layers of glass , not simply wipe the park landscape of sight ." Zhou , who lives in city wide she says.
Experts : City Engineering Manager Jiang Hao others pointed out , this situation is because steel windows hollow glass leak caused , if shelf life has expired , only to replace the glass . Replacement to a regular manufacturers to buy , because regular steel window factory specialized in the production , the use of large machines repression, evacuated of air between the glass are basically machine operation , and some small handicraft workshop , the majority or in manual-based , difficult to ensure quality, double-glazed security seals sealant will be breathable. Consumers are choosing steel window making factory , it is best to look at its factory site to see if there are relevant certificates , whether the technology is clearance. Secondly, they have a lot to the owners has produced a good windows, consumers can look carefully at whether the clearance of their craft , handled the details of the connection is fine and smooth, whether seals pores and so on. Third, if the conditions , the consumer can field their construction site to see .
Defective serious security risk profiles
"I lived in a 12-story , yang side floor bedroom is large windows , the sash is very large. Recent heavy winds, steel window frames were blown straight drum , looking quite startling . Heavy downpour , looking for professional inspection , startled , the original large windows so many places that are not lined , Zai Yu wind, really disastrous consequences ! " Mr. Zheng to the newspaper .
Experts say : Fund Manager pointed out that most problems are steel window steel liner thickness unqualified or without liner , followed actuator angle chain failed, sealing tape aging, a pull on the crack or fracture , then there is some small workshops windows with plastic from the other removed to the "second-hand goods", reprocessed into windows . Small workshop processing steel window factory itself is a problem , coupled with cut corners , shoddy deceive means to cause new for steel windows appear breathable, water seepage, no wind force and other quality problems . After a market test of the brand really only a few , but these profiles OEM brand is also very much , consumers must be careful when steel windows , it is best to have scale , professional manufacturers purchase .
In addition, steel window design and installation process is also very important, such as the height of the middle frame to take a more appropriate value at least equal to the height of the upper and lower beams . When the box width of 1.5 meters, the window may be considered without vertical transom beam , when the frame width of 1.8 meters , then the window to add vertical transom beam . These designs are very particular about not only beautiful, but also windproof and warm.
In the installation , the regular scale factories have professional home design for home owners in the specific circumstances of the original windows or balconies at the construction, whether to use steel, how to install the liner , how to punch drilling has relevant norms and acceptance.

