pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


security seals security vehicles

After the vehicle reaches the gas station, first check the seal is intact, and then the tanker metering, seals intact to oil accurately, by the gas station manager, metering member of the top Accory plastic security seals carriage drivers can only be confirmed after unloading operation is correct, unloading after the oil jobs, gas station owners want to return the tank transport vehicle exports continue to implement various seals, and seal numbers have been registered in the metal security seals feedback form on the seal number, vehicle returned to the Treasury, who was stationed in the library are measured after acceptance, the next round of oil loading operations, effectively blocked the loophole quality management.
Emphasis on the seal oil industry in what areas:
Published :12-08-13 Hits: 5
First, the source of the good sealing quality;
Second, the specification tanker seals;
Third, the specification tanker seals; Fourth, strengthen inspection seals; five, modify, seals and other management practices.
Here we should briefly explain the five seals management,
The first is to ensure the quality seal, which is issued with the company for seals to be checked and found that the number of errors and seal integrity.
The second means: the logistics inspection seal carrier vehicles found irregularities and loopholes.

