pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Reliability Accory plastic security seal seal lines.

"Measurement Law Rules" Article 21 stipulates: "Where no qualified products printing, certificate, or by unqualified verification of measuring instruments, allowed the factory," so, some measuring instruments such as pressure gauges, fuel tanker, X-ray machines at the factory should have a plant closure. Under normal circumstances, the verification of measuring instruments, as long as the new manufacture, repair and after use of measuring instruments is not permissible error tolerance, plant closures are not replaceable. After "Measuring Law", the manufacturers of plant closures strict management, the management of measuring instruments to the normal indicative seal operation of the law. But in recent years, some manufacturers or Fixed Length plastic seals manufacturers of maintenance personnel, the drive for the acquisitiveness, outlaws the use of plant closures to open the door, tampered archive data so that unscrupulous traders to make a profit. This is difficult to manage and illegal handling of measuring instruments work, some of the illegal facts it is difficult to detect, even if found inaccurate measuring instruments, mechanical failure or human factors, it is difficult to distinguish. Such as fuel tankers, generally in metrology in replacing the metering pump seals, and seals the sensor is not moving, but there is an important measurement parameter sensor part, if you change this parameter, measurement data tanker occurs very major changes, some unscrupulous person is a loophole for illegal activities. When he learned that law enforcement officers to check or test when they excuse the tanker manufacturers to repair and related parts with factory sealed sealed up, so the investigative work difficult.

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