pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


The use of seals and assessment methods Seal Use

( 1 ) , sealed normal person has no right to impose closure device in the vehicle Guankou unsealed .
( 2 ) All drivers are not be altered by accory barrier security seals, such as the discovery of internal abnormalities , must live sealed, signed off by the client . While reporting to management personnel , business dedicated to confirm
( 3 ) , the driver of the vehicle at the scene only Guankou sealed.
( 4 ) Other personnel , such as work needs to be unsealed , shall notify customers unsealed and sealed together .
( 5 ) , when Guankou device sealed , logos and numbers must be clearly visible on the seals .
( 6 ) , sealing the wire head , the length should not exceed 1.5cm, cut off the excess wire rope shall be treated with diagonal pliers, pull out the head hole wire spread .
( 7 ) , logo and number font is unclear, the responsible person shall promptly report to the users , the timely replacement .
Seal management assessment methods :
( 1 ) , for the loss occurred due to mismanagement accory security labels , administrators reported within 24 hours of the leadership immediately to the responsible person fined $ 50-200 .
( 2 ) , on the number of recipients by using the number of seals do not match , the reasons should be investigated and, if lost, for the parties to a fine of 20 yuan each .
( 3 ) , seal the location and use of work orders , reports, lists any inconsistencies who the parties fined $ 20.
( 4 ) , seals may not be lent to others , once discovered , unless the parties to write a written examination, a fine of $ 100-300 depending on the seriousness , the circumstances are serious accountability.
( 5 ) , must be sealed against leakage but not sealed or sealed , or do not meet the technical requirements , fined $ 100.
( 6 ) , as found workers forged seal lead, after a verified determined fined 200 yuan for those responsible for causing serious losses , the transfer of the relevant departments in accordance with law .
( 7 ) seals to seal the staff are not free to disseminate to others, a seal was found to be seriously investigated management responsibilities.
( 8 ) , due to poor infrastructure management and can not verify the seal number must be persons responsible .

