pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Proper use of plastic seal can improve the work safety

Seal for now should be a relatively new type of product, seal the source is in yongjia county, wenzhou, zhejiang province, at the beginning of the most used are some common seal, shi blockade, seals for this class, no mechanical mass production as it is now, yes all handmade mould.
First melt lead off, so the process of production of seal die is very complex, melt lead off again, into the mold, then cut with scissors, stone becomes the lead sheet products, the accory high security seals was first used in anhui merchants do ceramic business in Shanghai on the ship. Plastic seal is now the latest application of a kind of environmental protection seal, when used, is applied to guarantee the safety of working correctly. Plastic seal, then, is how to use the correct?
Plastic seal of the correct application can improve the safety of work:
1. Seal personnel shall not be entitled to the normal vehicle jar devices in the sealing unsealed.
2. All the drivers are not allowed to change seal, such as the abnormal found inside, must be sealed, and signed by the client for approval. At the same time report to the management personnel, business dedicated to confirm
3. The driver only in the field of vehicle jar seal.
4. Other personnel such as job need must be unsealed, shall notify the customer with unsealed and seal.
5. The jar unit seal, seal must be clearly visible on the label and serial number.
6. After the seal of the steel wire head, should not be more than 1.5 cm in length, excess must be treated with diagonal cutting pliers to cut wire rope, mesh wire head out.
7. Identify and number font is not clear, should timely report to the relevant with head, timely replacement.
Plastic seal can type with laser surface can be text more clearly. Can laser type and order number, strengthen management, easy to use and so on. Therefore, plastic seal more widely in use. 

