pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Security seal labels should pay attention to the problem

First, due to the soft and hard stacked ring fixed in the valve plate, when the valve plate normally open state media to form a positive sealing surface erosion , and metal sandwich soft Accory security seal labels by brushing with a direct impact on seal performance.Second, the metal seal valve by structural conditions do not meet the restrictions of the structure DN200 valve diameter or less, because the overall structure of the valve plate is too tamper evident labels , large flow resistance .Third, because the principle of three eccentric structure and seat sealing surface between the valve plate by the transmission of torque to the valve plate is pressed against the valve seat. Positive flow state , the higher the pressure medium sealed tight squeeze . When coloured cable ties flow medium with medium pressure increases between the valve plate and valve seat when the positive pressure is less than the media pressure, the seal began to leak.

