pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Security seals printing technology in the application of plastic products

Nylon accory cable tie, printing technology in the application of plastic products
Plastic extrusion materials manufacturers for their products identified reason mainly has the following several aspects: the first is to identify products. Plastic extrusion materials products is difficult to identify because different manufacturers, its products often look very similar. Through the products marked with the releasable cable ties, independent logo and brand name products in competition, raise public awareness of the brand. The second is for the sake of the need for product tracking. Factories often will product batch number, shift or production date printed on the product directly, as sent from the production stage until a series of process of wholesalers and retailers make every product all have good traceability, greatly facilitate the enterprise quality management and regional management of products. Another reason is that some famous brand product manufacturers can often based on the identity of the prevention and inhibition of counterfeit products. The application of new technology makes the legitimate manufacturers can always ahead of counterfeiters. Finally, logo can increase the added value of products. In the eyes nylon cable tie consumers to increase the value of the product itself, in the eyes of consumers, on the plastic pipe material identification mark or the manufacturer's name means a commitment, consumers generally think that this is a better quality tracking and responsible for the quality of products of the enterprise.

