pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Accory plastic security seal role description

Accory plastic security seal is a mechanical failure or human cheating, difficult to distinguish. But also to deal with metering violations caused great difficulties. Seal of measuring instruments is quality and technology supervision department of the plastic cable ties performance of measuring instruments, the effective data preservation. Important means to ensure the normal operation of measuring instruments. Seal is divided into regular work in the factory seals, several forms of seals using side management, quality and technical supervision departments manage seals and so on. vehicle cargo seal  to the multi-line door seals around the quality and technical supervision departments in the management of seals are not the same. Accory plastic security seal will remain at the end lay a disposable seals on inspection and approval of the tanker to ensure accurate measurement of the flow meter. If the seals have opened traces, to show that the tanker likely been tampered with. Each tanker seals on only one occasion, there is the seals are all Security ties  on each Accory plastic security seal, this seal is the role of the only coding, tanker seals is better protected Every oil tanker which does not have stolen stolen happen.

