pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Security seals fuel tanker is accurate

Reporters in Kunming Security seals gas station to see a significant position of each tanker has striking green logo, not only shows the tanker certified by deadline, also printed strong inspection codes. If the tanker overdue inspection, consumers can cable zip ties be reported in accordance with the identity provider telephone supervision. According to reports, various types of gas stations in Kunming 450 points, more than 4,600 units installed metering tanker all internal security seals, the seals on the three core components of each tanker will be traceable bar code security. pull tight security seals is the majority owner of the hotspot and focus of concern. Increasingly intelligent way for tanker cheating, hidden trend, yesterday, the city of Nanjing Bureau of Quality Supervision decided tanker full installation of security seals, to ensure accurate and reliable measurement of the tanker, fair trade and protect the interests of consumers . Morning morning 9301130 opened petrol, diesel tanker cheating hotline 86854552, welcome to call to participate. Three or more parts of the tanker retrofit security seals of the city of Nanjing tanker seals management approach has been taken, that the tanker flowmeter (ie meter) site installation of seals, with the development of technology and the tanker after the tax reform, the current tanker change is not only the accuracy of the meter site also includes tanker motherboard and other parts.

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