pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


Mechanical seals are the primary method of modern shaft seal

Modern shaft seal mechanical seal is the main method, though use of it is not easy to achieve completely leak, but the reach of tiny, it is perfectly acceptable amount of leakage is entirely possible. However, the operation of the pump, but often embarrassing situation, then the mechanical seal failure because what is it?
1, the mechanical seal material selection inappropriate. Mechanical seal material and the transmission medium does not match. In operation, the sealing element will soon be corrosion, dissolution or wear, thus losing the sealing capability. Therefore, according to the nature of the transmission medium and the choice of the mechanical seal material is to ensure its sealing function and the normal life of the prerequisites.
2, the mechanical seal flush condition does not meet the design requirements. In conveying easy to crystallize or fine particles of the medium, there must be a certain pressure and a certain flow of fluid to wash, or their crystals or particles will accelerate the sealing wear and affect the sealing of worn automatic compensation leak. Therefore, according to the nature of the transmission medium not only to configure the appropriate flushing lines, but also to install a monitoring and regulation instruments and devices to ensure that fluid pressure and flow to meet the design requirements, in order to maintain the normal operation of the mechanical black cable ties, which is often overlooked by users.
3, each of the mechanical seal can withstand the pressure is limited, due to the seal chamber pressure measurement are not allowed, resulting in the seal chamber pressure exceeds the mechanical seal can withstand the pressure of the leak, is a common sealing One reason for failure.
4, the mechanical seal operating temperature can not exceed the specified value. In the design of a cooling circuit, often due to insufficient flow of the cooling medium leaving the cooling effect is reduced; without the cooling circuit design, the seal cavity often as harbored in the air and cause mechanical seal dry friction condition. In both cases, the movement of the mechanical seal sealing temperature is too high and accelerated wear, resulting in seal failure.
5, the use of a single spring mechanical seals ignored when spring pump rotor rotation direction and the direction of rotation correct combination also occurs. Or design without instructions or assembly negligence, failed to do so because of the rotation of the rotor mechanical seal leaving but on the contrary increase the spring force, resulting in the ring and stationary ring friction pairs formed insufficient pressure leak.
6, bearing severe wear or damage, so that axial movement of the shaft produce severe, but also one of the reasons mechanical seal leakage. With the scientific and technological development, new marker cable ties and sealing materials, emerging forms, which is bound to the pump seal technology have a direct impact and promoted. Long life, zero leakage pump products in a growing number of occasions to get promotion and application.

