pull tight security seals

pull tight security seals
pull tight security seals


PVC seal identification method

In the process of making wooden doors, indicative seals the investment accounted for a small proportion, but its role has not be ignored. So I think we should not cost so little choice in order to reduce those little fake counterfeit products on the market today, I simply used on the PVC market situation briefly to do something, the other specifically explain inferior PVC seal and advanced silicon rubber sealing of the identification method.
Doors basic function is thermal insulation, sound insulation, wind and dust, the actual key to seal, seal quality seal plays an important role. Market with a sealing strip material is generally of PVC, soft PVC in its key role in its inside is nothing more than adding plasticizers good or bad, there are currently more stable plasticizer dioctyl phthalate resin, two Ding fat. But now the market price is high, some unscrupulous traders are using some other cheap stuff instead of (waste oil, oil refineries remaining foundation, etc.) to consumers is a big risk. With a variety of petrochemical products prices continue to rise, some irresponsible manufacturers began aspects of unfair competition from the raw material (the so-called shoddy, shoddy). These affordable, even as low as 2-3 cents per meter meter seal doors of factories became irresponsible choice because they are a few hundred dollars doors almost no cost, resulting in a decrease in quality doors, l brought many hidden dangers (air leakage, no dust, no noise increases the heating and air conditioning costs), more harm than good, it is worth considering.

